An information event for the professional public entitled “What do we need to know about domestic violence and how can we help?” took place at the Counselling and Prevention Centre in Lučenec. The event focused on the issue of domestic and gender-based violence, the development of cooperation in the region, as well as the presentation of preventive and educational activities within within the project “We Build Bridges for Help”.
The stimulating discussion was attended by the staff of schools and counselling and prevention centres. We also talked about the possibilities of supervision and the importance of mutual cooperation in helping families experiencing such violence. Those present were also interested in how best to work in a school setting with children who are suspected of or have experienced domestic violence.
We would like to thank the staff of the Counselling and Prevention Centre in Lučenec, who gave us the opportunity to meet and talk about this important topic in their premises, and all the participants for a good discussion.