The Building Bridges of Help project focuses on victims of domestic and gender-based violence. Its slogan has become the phrase #existujeriesenie and it is backed by the civic association KA Social Services Centre, which in cooperation with the BBSK has received funding from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the state budget of the Slovak Republic.
What will the Building Bridges of Aid project bring?
– It will help to maintain or increase the quality of counselling services and support for victims of violence.
– It envisages expanding services for victims of domestic violence in the districts of Banská Bystrica, Poltár, Lučenec and Brezno.
– Thanks to it, experts who deal with the problems of victims of domestic violence on a daily basis can be trained, for example, in how to help abused children, children after parents’ divorce or victims of domestic violence.
– The project also envisages launching an education campaign to help the public become aware of what is already considered domestic violence and also to raise awareness of where women and children can find professional help.
Looking for help? Here you will find important contacts you can contact at any time.